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License :: Recommended Licenses :: Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike [Remove This Filter]
Status > Initial development
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66 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page. Projects sorted by alphabetical order.
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Topologia Geral
- Livro: Topologia Geral.
Livros de topologia escritos em português costumam ser específicos de topologia dos espaços métricos. Neste livro, procuramos utilizar os espaços métricos apenas como motivação para o desenvolvimento da topologia geral. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Português[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Math[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 96.43
Registered: 2010-04-07 21:23 |
Opus Libertati
- Esfuerzo para la Libertad -
Plan piloto de investigación aplicada en tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para el sector salud - Línea Software Libre. -
Objetivo 1: Desarrollar un sistema de información para la gestión hospitalaria. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Status : Mature[Filter]
- Status : Planning[Filter]
- Topic : Health[Filter]
- Topic : Regional : South_America : Colombia[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Software[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 85.71
Registered: 2008-09-09 20:00 |
- Im spectrodue-Projekt wird ein Open-Source Spektrometer entwickelt. Es basiert auf dem Spektrometer-Modul C12880MA der Firma Hamamatsu und wird von einem Arduino Due angesprochen. Alle Ergebnisse (Software, Platinen-Design, Zeichnungen) sind als Open Source verfügbar. Das vorliegende Wiki dient dazu, das entsprechende Wissen an einer zentralen Stelle zur Verfügung zu stellen. |
- Environment : Other Environment[Filter]
- Intended Audience : Developers[Filter]
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Deutsch[Filter]
- Operating System : Other OS[Filter]
- Programming Language : C[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Computers : Mobile_Computing[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Environment[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Instruments_and_Supplies[Filter]
Registered: 2017-12-10 22:22 |
- Create catchy images to promote interest in and supply motivational material for the open hardware community OpenPhoenux. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Natural Language : Open to Others Languages[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Computers : Mobile_Computing[Filter]
- Topic : Computers : Open_Source[Filter]
- Topic : Recreation : Nudism[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2014-03-01 19:07 |
Telecomunicacion Etica
- ¿Tienes un problema con tu empresa proveedora de telefonía o acceso a internet? No eres el primero... Aquí podrás encontrar consejos y recursos que te puedan ayudar a solucionar tu problema. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Català[Filter]
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Activism : Consumer[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2014-03-01 00:57 |
- Se trata de crear una espacio/comunidad para promocionar gurpos de música, preferentemente de hip-hop, desde una perspectiva social. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Arts : Music[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-02-07 16:52 |
Lab notebook
- The open laboratory notebook for Jeppe Fock |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Dansk[Filter]
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Methods_and_Techniques[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Physics[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2014-07-01 06:53 |
Mt. Semeru, August 2014
- Mount Semeru Expedition 2014 Itinerary. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Natural Language : Indonesia[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Recreation : Climbing[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2014-07-14 08:08 |
Geoscience and Remote Sensing
- The Geoscience and Remote Sensing Project gathers together information and know-how related to remote sensing of the Earth and other heavenly bodies. This includes: data, processing procedures, applications, technology, and a who's-who in the field. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Earth_Sciences[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Environment : Biodiversity[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Environment : Global_Change[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2015-05-10 15:42 |
Teaching Politics
- Teaching Politics is a gathering place for instructors of political science. Peers collaborate with peers in preparing, presenting, and archiving teaching resources, and in open discussion and documentation of best practices. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Reference : Education[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2011-02-26 00:25 |
Cooperativa Integral Argentina
- El proyecto busca imitar a la Cooperativa Integral Catalana ( y la idea es poder ir tomando decisiones constantemente. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- License : Recommended Licenses : GNU General Public License v3 \(GPL\)[Filter]
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Regional : South_America : Argentina[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Activism : Anti-Corporation[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Work : Coworker_Relations[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-07-02 15:46 |
The Open Built Environment Project
- The database to download, iterate, and digitally fabricate almost everything found in a building. Using 3D printers, CNC machines and other digital fabrication tools, you can build rather than purchase what you need. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Arts : Architecture[Filter]
- Topic : Home : Do-It-Yourself[Filter]
- Topic : Home : Home_Improvement[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2015-01-06 20:36 |
- O projeto Excambo tem o duplo objetivo de servir de repositorio para documentos livres (ou excertos de livros protegidos) e engendrar uma nova forma de participacao efetiva em um clube de trocas (tendo em vista a criacao de um mercado nao-capitalista) |
- License : Other Licenses[Filter]
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- License : Recommended Licenses : GNU Free Documentation License[Filter]
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Natural Language : Português[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Computers : E-Books[Filter]
- Topic : Computers : Virtual_Reality[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Social_Sciences : Social_Work[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2005-04-15 03:41 |
Centro Social Okupado
- Centro Social Okupado La CASiKA. Tejiendo redes sociales al marjen del sistema capitalista. Construyendo un barrio rebelde, alegre y combativo. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Activism[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Issues : Multi-issue_Publications[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Lifestyle_Choices[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-01-24 19:41 |
La Criticona
- "La Criticona" es una convocatoria a nivel mundial de la masa critica (marcha colectiva en bicicleta) en Madrid. Entre los días 30 de Abril y 3 de Mayo de 2009. Habrá además talleres, debates, etc, en torno a este modelo de trasporte. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Regional : Europe : Spain[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Activism : In_Daily_Life[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Lifestyle_Choices[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-09-02 11:31 |
- rebelArte - Colectivo de Intervención Fotográfica |
- License : Other Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike[Filter]
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Arts : Photography[Filter]
- Topic : Regional : South_America : Uruguay[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Activism : Media[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2006-08-13 17:41 |
Recovery Cape Cod
- A community resource for all those involved in addiction and recovery on Cape Cod maintained and updated by members of the community. Information about a the full range of recovery services including, when possible, information on available beds. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- License : Recommended Licenses : Open Publication License, Version 1\.0[Filter]
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Health : Addictions[Filter]
- Topic : Health : Support_Groups[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-02-16 17:12 |
Divulgación libertaria
- Proyecto destinado a la difusión y divulgación de las ideas libertarias.
Más palabras clave: anarquismo, anarquista, libertario. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- License : Recommended Licenses : GNU Free Documentation License[Filter]
- License : Recommended Licenses : GNU General Public License v3 \(GPL\)[Filter]
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Status : Development[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Computers : Internet : Cyberspace[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Activism[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Politics[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2008-02-14 22:18 |
- To share what we can be grateful for in a society which can so easily focus on what is going wrong |
- Environment : Other Environment[Filter]
- Intended Audience : Other Audience[Filter]
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : English[Filter]
- Operating System : Microsoft[Filter]
- Programming Language : C[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Activism : Resources[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2016-11-08 08:08 |
Vivero de GAC's
- Espacio virtual de generación y encuentro de metodologías horizontales orientadas a la transformación política, cultural y artística. |
- License : Recommended Licenses : Creative-Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike (Now Filtering)
- Natural Language : Català[Filter]
- Natural Language : Español[Filter]
- Status : Initial development[Filter]
- Topic : Arts : Education[Filter]
- Topic : Science : Educational_Resources[Filter]
- Topic : Society : Activism[Filter]
Activity Percentile: 0.00
Registered: 2005-06-30 22:27 |
66 projects in result set. Displaying 20 per page. Projects sorted by alphabetical order.
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