Project List

Displaying results 1-25 out of 2202 total.
#1 Bureau Goeroe Via Effectief Handelen - Interdisciplinair gecompileerde workshop zelfhulp managementliteratuur paradigma’s, principes en modellen ten bate van zakelijk effectief gedrag. ♠♠ SYNOPSYS [] ♠♠
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Register Date: 2012-04-11 08:34

+++ - asdf
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Register Date: 2013-01-14 15:58

.nixBox - .nixBox es un proyecto dependiente del Linux User Group Junin interesado en llevar a cabo la implementación , capacitación y soporte técnico de SL en los ámbitos Gubernamentales o de Estado y Educacionales de la ciudad de Junin
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Register Date: 2004-04-20 04:28

151235531 - 163261234634

Register Date: 2019-09-10 20:15

15mLaboral - Para la extension del movimiento 15M a los trabajadores. Coordinacion de asembleas y acciones en los puestos de trabajo. Hacia una revolucion euromediterránea y global.
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Register Date: 2011-08-30 23:25

180_dc_nus_test - EXPERIMENT FOR 180
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Register Date: 2019-08-17 08:28

1C based products and alternarnatives - 1c:Enterprise users engagement Methodic materials for 1c-based solutions. Alternative Acccounting/CRM/ERP/etc software reviews and discussions

Register Date: 2015-07-24 10:31

1st Roselea Scouts - 1st Roselea Scouts Jamboree
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Register Date: 2017-11-12 23:00

2011En4InternationalCommunications - College course on international communications
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Register Date: 2011-04-15 12:29

2017 APSF Handoff Consensus Conference - 2017 APSF Handoff Consensus Conference
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Register Date: 2017-08-15 13:04

2019-nCoV wiki - 致力于共建wiki,为所有人搜集、整理、保存2019-nCoV疫情相关信息。
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Register Date: 2020-02-04 05:02

24-Stunden Bildungsmarathon - Wiki des 24-Stunden Bildungsmarathons am KVG-Gymnasium in Mettingen.
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Register Date: 2009-12-07 16:40

2517's Lazer Tag project Docs - --REMOVED--
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Register Date: 2009-12-29 03:14

3D Libre - 3D Libre es un proyecto en el que pretendemos dar a conocer programas de 3D. Manuales, cursos, tutoriales.

Register Date: 2004-09-08 07:22

433-253 Algorithms and Data Structures - A course in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Melbourne, covering algorithm analysis, abstract data types, and techniques for algorithmic problem solving.
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map
Register Date: 2006-07-15 12:43

4frames - 4frames is a portuguese collective that uses free/libre software to make animations
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map
Register Date: 2011-01-24 19:07

7Sello - 7 Sello es un grupo madrileño de rap comprometido con la autoproducción y la filosofía "hazlo tú mismo", al margen de la industria musical.
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Register Date: 2012-04-17 07:57

:::El Viejo Coipo:::: - Plataforma comunicacional del sur de Chile que promueve espacios de participación, discusión y propuestas de alternativas por una armonía entre los seres humanos y la naturaleza.
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map
Register Date: 2006-06-19 03:34

A Neet's Grimoire - A wiki dedicated to chronicling characters, stories, concepts and such, in the literary series "A Neet's Bizarre Adventure"
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Register Date: 2016-09-17 19:49

A Students Practical Guide to Research - A practical introduction to real world research designed for high school and college students. The emphasis is on efficient information gathering, with sections on effective search engine use, library navigation, and source analysis.
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map
Register Date: 2011-12-28 14:36

A Wiki For Xander's Class - A wiki for Xander's SUNY Cortland Computer Applications Class.
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map
Register Date: 2019-03-07 17:51

ADADIÑOKO istoria - Gure herriko ezaugarriak

Register Date: 2007-02-04 17:48

AFCAPU - Asociación de Funcionarios de la Caja de Jubilaciones y Pensiones de Profesionales Universitarios - AFCAPU - PIT-CNT
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Register Date: 2012-10-02 14:06

AFW framework de desarrollo web - AFW es un proyecto de framework con la idea de crear una plataforma estable y cómoda para reducir el tiempo de programación, optimizar el código y ayudar a usar estándares al momento de crear sistemas de información Web.

Register Date: 2008-11-08 00:20

AIT Student Services Wiki - Student Services Instructions
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Register Date: 2019-04-09 01:40

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